Outremer Telecom Speed Test

Outremer Telecom is an internet service provider which operates in Martinique. Currently it ranks on the place 5 from 13 providers in Martinique.

Average results for Outremer Telecom

122.47 Mb/s

Download Speed

70.95 Mb/s

Upload Speed

232 ms

Ping Latency

Outremer Telecom coverage

You can get Internet access in and other cities within Martinique.

Most popular ISPs in Martinique
Provider Name Download Speed Number of Tests
4.31 Mb/s 326
Outremer Telecom SASU
64.06 Mb/s 84
57.36 Mb/s 48
Digicel Antilles Francaises Guyane SA
15.35 Mb/s 27
103.35 Mb/s 10
19.14 Mb/s 7
Digicel Martinique
16.05 Mb/s 3
Freedom Network
5.78 Mb/s 3
Collectivite Territoriale de Martinique
53.24 Mb/s 2
Dauphin Telecom Guadeloupe
7.64 Mb/s 2

The download, upload and ping test will be performed to the closest server available near your location. This will mean that test will also be influenced by other factors such as quality of interconnection of Outremer Telecom with Internet backbone. This test is more relevant to assess real Internet connection quality than ISP sponsored test since those typically test against a server within the ISP and do not test real Internet speed.

Results based on tests in last 6 months (from 16.02.2021 to 16.08.2021).